We are working to make Kawasaki Disease memorable! Download our TEMPERS leaflet, which has both lots of info and a handy way of remembering the symptoms of Kawasaki Disease! Share it with family and friends and you’ll be helping raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease!
Our Longer Term Issues leaflet is designed to be shared with school teachers or care givers to explain about some of the longer term issues which some young people with Kawasaki Disease may experience. Print it off – or download it and email it to school if you like!
Pin this poster in any busy place – from your classroom (be sure to ask your teacher!) to a GP surgery waiting room or your local Post Office – and help us let people know about Kawasaki Disease.
We know it’s really difficult to get out and about and raise awareness and funds for Kawasaki Disease at the moment, so we’ve put together this leaflet to give you some ideas for getting involved from home.
If you want to organise an event to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease and to raise money for Societi, you might want to set up a fundraising page online. Here are some links to our fundraising pages – oh and if you’re on Facebook, why not get your friends to donate to a Birthday fundraiser when your B’day comes around! The link for that is here too!
These posters will help you to let everyone know about a host of fundraising event you might want to hold! If you don’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll help you out where we can!
Love to walk? Love to run? Why not organise a Fun Mile with family and friends.
A “Wear Red” day is a great way to get your whole school, college or work place involved!
Cake Bake-offs and cake sales easy to organise and really popular – definitely one of our favourite fundraising events!
Is summer here yet?! A BBQ is a brilliant way to raise awareness and get some Kawasaki conversations going!
Why not hold a Bingo night to raise awareness and funds for Kawasaki Disease. This one can even be virtual!
Who doesn’t love a curry?! Talk to your local restaurant about organising a night especially to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease.
We know we can’t think of everything, which is why we’ve created a general poster you can use for ANY fundraiser or event- just fill in your own details. And remember, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll try our best to help.